
Vironkatu 9, 00170 Helsinki

Janne Jokela
050 412 9030

Taneli Jokela
050 320 8174

Tero Lahtinen
050 464 7972

Satunnaiset kuvat

Effective collaboration with HydraSpecma contributes to continuous development at IQR Systems

03.06.2024 11.00


IQR Systems AB in Trollhättan develops and manufactures powerful crushing plants for the energy recovery of materials such as recycled wood, waste wood, logging residues, round wood and industrial waste. The collaboration with HydraSpecma started almost 30 years ago, and today IQR has great confidence in HydraSpecma's ability to develop and deliver customized hydraulic solutions.

IQR (Industrial Quality Recycling) was founded in 1979 by Thomas and Jill Karlström and is today run by their son, Daniel Karlström. From the start, the business concept was to take care of worn-out railway sleepers, but by the late 1990s, the FlexHammerTM 1800 crushing plant was developed, followed by the mobile version FlexHammerTM 1500 in 2006.

The machines, mainly used at IQR’s own sites where it crushed waste materials for various customers, were continuously developed to optimize operations. A significant change in strategy took place in 2011 when the contracting business was sold and IQR decided to increase its focus on the development, manufacture and sale of crushing machines.

Read the full story and stories of other customers ❯ 

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